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Yoga Alliance Professionals Responds to Roadmap out of Lockdown

Melissa Albarran
Feb 25, 2021 5:04:48 PM

The Prime Minister’s roadmap out of England’s lockdown entails a 4 step plan and general structure for the gradual easing of restrictions. Importantly, it gives suggested dates for the reopening of yoga-spaces and the resumption of in-person yoga classes,  giving teachers a rough plan that they can work toward. 

We appreciate that the proposed changes will depend on four key criteria being met and that the suggested dates may well be subject to change. The government is taking a cautious, data-driven approach that should ensure we can return to our yoga classes safely and confidently. 

It is pleasing to see that children are being prioritised, with the reopening of schools set to take place in March. We know that many of our members teach yoga in school settings, and are looking forward to returning to the classroom. The lockdown has had a devastating impact on the wellbeing of young people, and we hope that yoga plays a fundamental part in supporting their mental and physical wellbeing. The same applies to the resumption of in-person parent and children classes. 

While we are encouraged by the reopening of facilities such as gyms for 1-2-1 classes in April, the continued restrictions on group yoga classes are disappointing. The decision to reopen gym-environments, typically associated with respiratory, cardiovascular exercise, while prohibiting meditative yoga classes, is confusing.

We are speaking with the national governing body for group exercise (EMDUK) and UKActive to raise our concerns with the government and gain clarification as to the decisions being made around the continued restrictions on group yoga classes. 

Yoga Alliance Professionals has contacted the government to address any queries they may have regarding the safe return to in-person group classes. It is our aim to work with the government and governing bodies to create a clear, impartial and data-informed plan for the safe reopening of yoga studios and classes.

We are confident our members will do their utmost to ensure the security of their yoga spaces and follow any procedures that are required. 

Together we hope to return to in-person yoga classes at the earliest opportunity and support our community through the practice of yoga.

Please find our Guide to England's Roadmap out of Lockdown Here. 

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