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Certificates, Badges and your YAP profile

Kirsty Darroch
May 1, 2023 11:10:26 AM

As a Yoga Alliance Professionals (YAP) member, you can submit training certificates at any time. If the certificate is from a Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited Course, we will assign a Badge to your profile.  

It's a great way to let students know what training you have completed. You can even add these to your marketing materials (flyers, business cards, etc.) to show the world your credentials.

Which courses qualify to receive a Badge?

Badges can be assigned for the following Course types:

  • Foundation Course
  • Specialist Course (Badges for these Courses are available depending on the topic: Kids, Teens, Pregnancy, Meditation, Sports).
  • Further Training Course

Submit any training courses you have completed here, and we'll check them out for you.

Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 11.14.05

Badges will display on your profile like so:

Screenshot 2019-10-24 at 14.37.53



These Badges do not affect your insurance (if you have insurance as part of your membership). 

What if you submitted your certificate in the past?

If you submitted your certificate before August 2019, we don't have a record of this. Due to data protection laws, we can only hold information for a limited time with a legal basis. With this in mind, if you don't currently have a Badge for a certificate you have submitted to us in the past, you can send it to us again.

The Course is registered, and you haven't received a Badge?

There can be a slight delay if the certificate you submitted is from a registered course. Your Trainer may not have added their Course dates to our website. We will help the Trainer to add their Course details to our website to assign your Badge.

What can you do if the Course isn't accredited, but you would like a Course Badge?

If we receive certificates from Courses which we don't recognise, we will make every effort to reach out to the Trainer and encourage them to have the Course accredited. It is advisable to keep this in mind when uploading a certificate from a non-registered Course. We can only issue a Badge when the Trainer joins. 

It might help for you to let your Course provider know that you would like to get an accreditation Badge.

When will we not issue a Badge 

We can only issue Badges for training Courses which have accreditation with Yoga Alliance Professionals. It is not enough for the principal teacher or one of the teachers to be registered with us. Our system generates Course Badges when a Trainer adds their dates on the YAP website. We cannot create Badges for non-accredited Courses. 

We cannot allocate Badges for CPDs, workshops or regular yoga classes.

Additionally, we cannot provide Badges for Courses on subjects outside of yoga or for awards received from other membership bodies.

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