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The Yoga Blog

15+ Yoga CPD Training Courses To Expand Your Yoga Teaching Skills

Updated 08/07/24

Your yoga training doesn't end when your 200hr Foundation course ends! Your development journey is only just beginning. Once you have graduated as a fully qualifies yoga teacher, there are a variety of training options available to you. Further training courses will help you develop your existing skills, discover a niche, and serve your local community.

In this blog, you'll discover some fantastic training courses you can attend this year to continue developing as a yoga teacher. 

Remember that the training hours you accumulate count towards your career path upgrades, so keep a note of what you attend.

Extra Tip: Book your development events in advance and block out your calendar. Doing this will ensure you make time to attend the events.

Are you looking for more? Find all of the development opportunities available to yoga teachers below.

Approved Development Workshops & Mentoring 
Further Training
Specialist (pregnancy, kids, teens, sports, meditation) training
Free YAPTA Tasters (try before you buy)

Want to accredit your further training and specialist training? Book a call with us here, and we can discuss your options!

Book A Discovery Call

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