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The Yoga Blog

Top 5 Locations That Yogis Love To Practice Yoga And Feel Zen

Are you curious about where people like to practice yoga? 

In this blog, you'll discover where people unroll their mats and practice yoga.

1. Yoga Studios

The most obvious one: yoga studios! A great way to get introduced to yoga. This environment can be great for feeling a sense of community and engaging with peers.

2. Outdoor Yoga

For many, practising yoga outside can help them reconnect with nature. Feel the fresh air on your skin, listen to the animals or ocean waves, and watch the world go by as you get your zen on. This may be a self-practice or taught by a yoga teacher!

3. Home Practice

Practising yoga in the comfort of your home has skyrocketed in popularity since COVID-19 caused many to switch up their practice. The reason it has stuck for so many is likely to do with convenience, variety and being able to create your own sacred space.

4. Gyms

Similar to studios in the sense that you will feel a sense of community, the experience overall is usually quite different to one another. It's common for gym-goers to complete a mini-sequence at the beginning or end of their workouts.

5. Festivals

Wellness festivals are popping up everywhere! Yoga practitioners attend these festivals to explore new teachers, discover various styles of yoga and dedicate time to their practice/well-being.

There are more places where yogis can practice yoga, from their workplaces to attending retreats! The above five are the most popular, and the specific percentages are in this data report.

I hope this blog helps you decide where your next yoga session will take place, as a practitioner or as a teacher.

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