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The Yoga Blog

The Unexpected Stresses of Teaching Yoga

The Unexpected Stresses of Teaching Yoga

Looking for your dream job in yoga?

When we think about yoga, images of tranquillity, balance, and inner peace often come to mind. This serene image can make it easy to believe that teaching yoga is a stress-free profession. 

However, like any career, teaching yoga has its own set of challenges and stresses.

Passionate yoga instructors will tell you that your dedication won’t shield you from the pressures of the profession. Creating engaging classes, catering to diverse student needs, and maintaining your practice and continuous learning can be challenging.

Teaching yoga involves significant emotional effort. You're not just teachers; you serve as mentors, guides, and counsellors, helping students overcome challenges. 

As rewarding as it is, it can also be quite tiring!

Given these demands, it's essential to prioritise self-care and use any available tools to support you in your journey. Here are a few self-care strategies and tips that can help:

Keep Up Your Personal Practice & Meditation

Regularly practising yoga helps us stay grounded and connected to the benefits of yoga. This also allows you to teach from your own practice, making your classes more authentic.

Keep Learning

Investing in professional development can help us feel more confident and less stressed about our skills and knowledge. Our Business and wellness clinics are a great way to increase your knowledge and business skills. Here’s one of my favourite business clinics as an example. 

Trainee and teacher members of Yoga Alliance Professionals can access these clinics live and receive multiple development emails every month! 

Set Boundaries

It is essential to learn to say no and set clear boundaries. This includes managing class schedules, taking necessary breaks, and avoiding over-commitment. Read more in this blog.

Seek Support

Connecting with other yoga teachers within our community can offer great support and camaraderie. Sharing experiences and challenges can help alleviate feelings of isolation and stress.

Trainee and teacher members of Yoga Alliance Professionals can access private Facebook groups. You might be able to find one that is local to you as well.

Implement tools that can make your life easier

You can use services like HeyMarvelous to help with the stress of creating and marketing your offerings. They are incredibly innovative and valuable!


Teaching yoga is a rewarding and meaningful career, but it comes with its own set of stresses. 

It is important to recognise these challenges and take proactive steps to care for yourself. By doing so, you can continue inspiring and supporting your students while looking after your well-being. As you guide others to find peace and balance, you must cultivate these qualities in your own lives.

Remember, teaching yoga is a journey, not just a destination. Yoga can be your profession if you embrace the challenges, take care of yourself, and continue to share the incredible gift of yoga with the world!

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