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The Yoga Blog

Guide To Playing Music During A Yoga Class

Guide To Playing Music During A Yoga Class

Updated 25/06/2024

Do you play music in your yoga classes?

Music can enhance the ambience of a class, aid student relaxation, and minimise the distraction of outside noise.

If you decide to play music for your students during classes, then you will have to pay. The only exception to this is if you are fortunate enough to have your own compositions or can access royalty-free music!

Does it matter where I play the music?

Whether you play background music in your classes, in a studio reception area, or at a yoga festival, you will most likely require a music license.

Playing live or recorded music without one could be a copyright infringement and may result in you being sued for damages should you be caught.

The money raised from licence fees goes to ensure that the original musical creators are fairly rewarded for their work. Each country has its own licensing system and fees to be paid. This article focuses on the UK music licensing system. 

The licence UK yoga teachers need to purchase is called the ‘TheMusicLicence’, also known as PPL PRS.

How much does a licence cost?

The cost depends on many factors, such as the type of venue where you play the music, how the music is used in your day-to-day operation, whether it is for background purposes, and, in some cases, how many people will hear the music. 

NOTE: If you are renting a room in a studio or other venue, it would be worth checking with the owners to see if the premises already have a licence. Your class should be covered if they do. If not, then you should contact TheMusicLicence for a price.

Who are TheMusicLicence?

TheMusicLicence by PPL PRS allows businesses in the UK to legally play music for employees or customers/students through various media, including radio, TV, and live performances. It combines the previously separate licenses from PPL and PRS for Music into one, simplifying the process. Fees collected support the artists and creators of the music.

Licences Out-with the UK

If you teach outside of the UK and play music, you will find that similar licences are required worldwide.

For further information, see below: 

Ireland - PPI Music
USA - Ascap
India - IPRS 
Canada - SOCAN


For more information about the UK license visit the You Gov Website - https://www.gov.uk/licence-to-play-live-or-recorded-music

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