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The Yoga Blog

Recommendations for Teaching Yoga Classes Outdoors

As lockdown restrictions ease, outdoor yoga classes can once again resume in different parts of the UK. The following is a list of our recommendations for teaching yoga classes outside, based on the information presented by the government guidelines, sports bodies and World Health Organisation. 

Please be aware that the following are a set of recommendations and do not form part of, or replace official government policy. As always, it is crucial you follow the regulations for your specific area, and check with your local council.

1. Send out a health questionnaire and disclaimer form to each student prior to the class. Your disclaimer form should be updated to include possible risks of teaching outside.

2. Maintain regular record-keeping for all students that attend your outdoor classes.

3. Decide upon the place and time for the class. Ideally, the space should be open and secluded so as not to come into contact with other people.

4. Set up an online payment system to prevent physical contact.

5. Prior to students arriving arrange the space so that there is a 2-metre gap between each person. This may be done by verbally directing students to their position or physically placing cones. Social distancing should be adhered to during class. 

6. Ask your students to fill out a health questionnaire before attending the class. You may wish to include screening questions.

7. Request that anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms remains at home and does not attend the class.

8. Do not carry out physical adjustments on your students during the class.

9. Request your students wash or sanitise their hands prior to the class.

10. Ask your students to bring their own yoga mat and additional equipment.

11. Students should be advised against clustering in groups before or after the class.

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