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The Yoga Blog

4 Ways Your Membership Can Promote Your Yoga Teaching

Updated 05/02/2023

Do you find it challenging to promote yourself and stand out from the crowd?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get from our members.

We understand how scary it may feel putting yourself out there in an industry that is overflowing with all things yoga. However, remember that you have an advantage - you have completed a quality training course, and you should be shouting about this!

Read on, and we’ll share some tips you can use to promote yourself and advertise your events.

1. Use Your Yoga Alliance Professionals Profile 

We work hard for our members by bringing yoga practitioners (potential students for you) to our website. All members can be searched for by name, location and specialism.

Practitioners can also let us know if they are looking for private classes, corporate classes or a training course and we'll manually match the up!

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As Yoga Alliance Professionals is one of the largest directories of yoga teachers, your profile is the perfect place to promote yourself! The more you utilise your profile, the more traffic you will receive. Your profile has the potential to give you more students!

2. Check your Profile

Teachers miss out on potential new students because they do not check their profile! If you haven’t been checking your profile, you should log in and see if you have any messages waiting for you.

There are two ways a potential student can get in touch with you. Either through a Business Lead (mentioned above) or a Private Message. You’ll be able to see these within your account dashboard under the ‘manage leads’ and ‘message board’ tabs.

Log In

3. Increase your online visibility

Another easy way to promote yourself is to use social media. You can even share posts you make on your profile to your Social Media with a simple click!

There are many things you can do to get your name out there. From liking and commenting on other people’s pages and events to joining Facebook Groups.

You can post photos, add videos, write blogs, and share your wisdom on your page. Small steps will help you engage with the online yoga community.

We have our own closed Facebook Group for our teacher members, where you can make posts and comments to build your online presence.

More Member Benefits

4. Video Content 

Did you know video content is 80% more effective than images? In a world where vlogs are an increasingly popular choice of media, professional video content is essential.

With a limitless reach, a video is a lasting tool that can be shared, streamed and reposted.

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We hope this has helped you understand some of the ways you can promote yourself as a yoga teacher! Connecting with your community and advertising your events is essential. If there’s anything else we can do to help you, get in touch!

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