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The Yoga Blog

What To Post On Social Media: A Quick Guide For Yoga Teachers

The first question you may ask yourself before posting on social media is "why?".

Social media can help you build your brand awareness, attract new students, expand your existing marketing efforts and to connect with your audience. If you haven't started utilising these platforms to your advantage, then it's time to start! 

In this blog, I will provide you with some ideas on what to post to help you get started! Keep in mind that every post you make should do 1 of 3 things; Surprise, educate or entertain.

Share Your Blogs/Articles

One blog post can create numerous social media posts (just be sure to spread them out). Each of the posts will focus on something different. For example, you could post a direct quote from the blog, an eye-catching image and ask your audience a question. That's 3 posts for one blog, and you can definitely do more!


Use something like Canva to create an appealing image with a testimonial from your students. Better yet, ask them to record a short video! 


Speaking of video, why not record your own videos? Try to keep these under a minute long, and make sure they are engaging! You don't need fancy camera equipment either, just a simple phone-shot video introducing yourself and your events will do! See our YouTube channel for some examples of this.


Of course you will want to share your events! these may be classes, workshops or training courses. Just try to give yourself plenty of time for advertising. We usually recommend 12 months for training courses.


Have a look at any awareness days or fun holidays that you can get involved with! I've listed a few below to give you an idea:

  • International Yoga Day
  • Stress Awareness Month 
  • Mens Health Awareness Month
  • International Health Day

3rd Party Content

Keep your eye on the what's going on in the industry and share any articles that your audience may find useful. You could create a Google Alert to stay updated on specific topics. Google will send you an email whenever your chosen topics are discussed, and you can share it with your audience! 

I hope this blog has provided you with some ideas to get started. Don't forget to get creative with it, and make it fun! 

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