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Lola Lhamo

Lola Lhamo

Yoga Teacher | Lola Lhamo has connection with yoga and energy healing from childhood. Life brought her meetings with wonderful teachers, Indian yogis and Tibetan lamas… Lola helped building Enlightenment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled with Tibetan lamas to India and Nepal to Buddhist monasteries and place of power, participated at World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India… Lola learned the techniques of working with energy, sound and vibration from Tibetan lamas and other masters of energy healing and yoga, and after 25 years of practice created Yoga & Sound Energy Medicine programme - sacred practices of energy medicine, combining yoga, mindfulness, sound and vibrational healing. Lola integrates knowledge of Himalayan Hatha & Kriya Yoga, Tibetan Mind Yoga and Neuropsychology, Pranayama and Meditation, Sound Energy Medicine and healing with the power of voice and Himalayan Singing Bowls, Qi Gong and Cosmic Healing, – transformational practices, reconnecting to our true nature, developing the capacity to manage inner energy for healing and wholeness. www.lolalhamo.com www.vibroacoustictherapy.org Facebook page: Lola Lhamo Instagram page: Lola Lhamo Energy Medicine yoga@lolalhamo.com +44 7757093532

Posts by Lola Lhamo
Sound Harmony Sacred Geometry

Sound Harmony Sacred Geometry

May 27, 2019 12:16:24 PM 9 min read