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The Yoga Blog

9 Ways To Take Advantage Of Rest Periods To Benefit Your Yoga Business

As we approach the festive season, you'll notice that your class numbers may start dwindling. Typically, yoga teachers will take a break during this time. After all, their students have stopped attending their classes, so you may as well take a break. Right? 

Not quite.

If you want to start 2023 on the right foot, you should use this rest period to your advantage! It's the perfect time to reflect on the past year, set goals for the upcoming year and work on yourself. 

It will give you the upper hand on your competition as they have taken time out of their yoga teaching business while you have been working on it! 

Here are just some of the things you can do this month that will be productive for your business:

Prepare The Year

  • Set your goals and write down the actions you need to take to achieve them
  • Plan your events, select dates, and add them to your site/booking system
  • Create some sequences with different outcomes in mind

Work On Yourself

  • Maintain a personal practice, and use this as an opportunity to work on your verbal cues
  • Watch free YAPTA's to expand your teaching skills
  • Plan out the development you want to do in the upcoming year

Growing Your Business

  • Reflect on what worked and what didn't work for you this year
  • Outline how you are going to expand your offerings in the upcoming year
  • Consider the career path and what next steps you need to take

You can do much more to benefit yourself and your business during the festive season! I hope the list above gives you a good starting point or provides some inspiration on how you will grow in 2023. 

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