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The Yoga Blog

5 Things To Check Before Sending That Email!

Want to make sure that your marketing emails are being delivered to your client’s inbox? Then continue reading this blog where we will discuss the 5 things you should always check before sending that email off to your customer list. 

Before we get started, it's worth noting that every email provider has a built-in spam filter (from Google to Hotmail, to Yahoo). The criteria for what is considered spam will vary from provider to provider. 

By checking the below 5 things, your email will have more chance of reaching the inbox, not the spam!

1. Are you exaggerating?

If you’re using all caps, red font, lots of exclamation points and certain phrases (think ‘FREE access’ or ‘ACT NOW’) then your email will likely be put into the spam category.

Tip: Try being more personal with your email. Most marketing email software will allow you to add some personalisation. I recommend adding their first name to the subject line or introduction of the email.

2. Are there any typos?

Some spam filters will pick up on any spelling errors and may categorise this as spam. To protect yourself from this it’s worth putting the email content through a spell checker.

Tip: A great tool to use is Grammarly, the free version should suffice for what you need.

3. Is your unsubscribe link visible?

Not only is this a legal requirement, but it will cause your email to end up in the spam folder if it’s missing. Most of the time your marketing email software will automatically add the link in, so make sure that you don’t delete it by mistake!

Reminder: This blog is about your marketing and automated emails. You won’t see an unsubscribe link in a one-to-one email.

4. Is your image use excessive?

It can be nice to use images alongside your emails, and there is no problem with this! The issue comes when you overuse images, try to keep it minimal.

Tip: Your email should be at least 60% text.

5. Are you trying to include an attachment? 

If you are reaching out to one of your customers on a one-to-one basis then you can add attachments by all means. However, if you’re trying to add an attachment to your marketing or automated email then it’s likely that it will be picked up by the spam filter.

Tip: Can you perhaps send it as a link instead? Or you could always ask your contacts to reply to the email and then you can send them the attachment directly.

I hope that doing the above 5 checks will see your deliverability rate increase and that your email marketing performance improves! 

Of course, above all, you should always make sure that your clients are expecting to receive emails from you otherwise they may mark you as spam themselves. If this happens too often, then you will see your email performance fall.

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